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发表于 2003-6-2 17:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[upload=jpg]uploadImages/20036217473614274.jpg[/upload][upload=jpg]uploadImages/20036217475848727.jpg[/upload][upload=jpg]uploadImages/20036217483963680.jpg[/upload] 樂譜封面,該樂譜配有一張cd [upload=jpg]uploadImages/20036217491613643.jpg[/upload] 作曲家資料: American classical guitarist Giovanni de Chiaro made his New York debut in 1976 in a Carnegie Hall performance which brought a rave notice from the New York Times and launched a career of growing distinction. He has concertized throughout the United States, Mexico and Europe and has performed for Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in Rome. He was invited to perform for President Clinton at a special Christmas function at the White House. His recordings include his arrangements of Christmas carols, Broadway classics, and the complete works of Scott Joplin. In 1989, Mr. De Chirao received a commission from NASA to compose an original guitar composition for the Space Shuttle program. The editors of the prestigious national journal Musical America named Giovanni de Chiaro as one of the magazine's "Young Artists of the Year" in 1982. He is a contributing editor to guitar magazines published in both the United States and abroad. Giovanni has recorded two nationally televised special programs for the PBS network. Both of these programs received Gold Awards and top honors at several film festivals. His many recordings can be heard throughout the United States on National Public Radio. De Chiao is currently the professor of guitar at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
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