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发表于 2003-8-22 00:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
冠軍 - 甄苗夆》 亞軍 - 王澤培》 季軍 - 余永鈞》 優異獎 - 莫迪輝》 優異獎 - 劉家裔》 優異獎 - 鄧世麟》 [upload=gif]uploadImages/20038220555343075.gif[/upload][upload=gif]uploadImages/20038220561072878.gif[/upload][upload=gif]uploadImages/20038220562738764.gif[/upload]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-22 00:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
评审团成员以及主办者[upload=gif]uploadImages/2003822058970315.gif[/upload] 評判團: (左起)許翔威先生、龍向輝先生、林萬新先生、朱傑雄先生 頒獎嘉賓: (右二)李香濤先生 主辦人: (右一)陳興華先生
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-22 01:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
本次比赛特邀嘉宾为大赛题写的话。吉他岛荣幸受邀为参加大赛的朋友致词。 給香港結他朋友的話... 結他島島主 方翊 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (原文) "A guitar performance provides insights into the natural and human factors of musical patterns. Likewise, a guitar competition will help to push the guitar performance. It is supposed that the guitar carnival in Hongkong will forge a network of guitar linkages there and even throughout its vicinity. I hope the programme will turn out well and happily." 結他島島主 方翊 http://www.peterfang.com 2003年7月10日 給香港結他朋友的話... Gerald Garcia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (原文) "I would like to say that you are doing a great job promoting the guitar in Hong Kong, and I wish you every success with the competition. It is my hope that all guitarists in Hong Kong will work together to promote the musical and cultural life of the guitar throughout South East Asia." 古典結他演奏家 Gerald Garcia http://www.geraldgarcia.com 2003年6月25日 給香港結他朋友的話... Liona Boyd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (原文) "My dear friends in the Hong Kong SAR Guitar Competition, I wish that I could be there with you in Hong Kong to enjoy your guitar music. As you may know I have visited HK often, both for concerts and also for holidays. I find it to be one of the most exciting and unique cities on the planet and I hope to return before too long. I may be a little biased, but to my ears there is no more exquisite sound in the world than that of the classical guitar so I congratulate you all on having chosen it as your instrument. For anything exceptional in life there is always a price to pay and all of you realize by now that it is one of the most difficult instruments of all to master!!! The rewards however are so rich that your sacrifice of time and efforts are well worth it. In the guitar you have a constant companion through which you can express every emotion and create moments of beauty each time you play. You can also share your music with family, friends and audiences, as I have been so privileged to do. Performing for others is a great gift and one that does not always come easily, so do not be discouraged if you feel apprehensive before a concert. All performers and competitors have these feelings, but use that nervous excitement by putting it into your playing and the music will touch your audience in a special way. How wonderful that you have formed a guitar orchestra! Perhaps one day I will have the pleasure of performing with you. Many years ago I opened a guitar festival in Havana, Cuba performing as soloist with a guitar orchestra. Enjoy every minute of your Summer Guitar Carnival!!! Love, Liona Boyd " 古典結他演奏家(世界吉他第一夫人) Liona Boyd http://www.classicalguitar.com 2003年6月23日
发表于 2003-8-22 16:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
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