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楼主: 木心


发表于 2003-11-6 02:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
木心兄: 今天收到向你订的威廉斯的dvd。非常精彩! 真是太感谢了!! 另外,还要谢谢木心兄如此认真的给DVD包裹。我到邮局时,工作人员递给我一个大纸盒,我都吃了一惊---打开一看,DVD纤毫无损的裹在一堆防压的纸条团中,而且还紧包了一层气泡塑料纸。真是有劳木心兄了! 谢谢!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-12 23:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
dvd又到貨了~~有20張,另外,加了他的兩張演奏專輯,其中有 一張是較舊的綠音。等晚些把圖片傳上吧。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-13 17:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
[upload=jpg]uploadImages/2003111317474316576.jpg[/upload] 《Takemitsu》 Takemitsu SK 46720 Producer: Steven Epstein; Engineer: Bud Graham Released Summer 1991 Recorded September 1989 London Sinfonietta, Esa-Pekka Salonen Sebastian Bell (Alto Flute), Gareth Hulse (Oboe d'amore) To the Edge of Dream Folios for Guitar Toward the Sea for Alto Flute and Guitar From 12 Songs For Guitar: Summertime What a Friend Here, There and Everywhere Amours perdues Vers, l'arc-en-ciel, Palma for Oboe d'amore, Guitar & Orchestra [upload=jpg]uploadImages/2003111317525678161.jpg[/upload] 《The Guitar is the Song: A Folksong Collection 》 我們聽來,他的這些民謠很動聽,我較推荐里面的《畢業生》,第三曲、還有一首意大利民謠,-----這是一張我最喜歡的cd。 The Guitar is the Song: A Folksong Collection SK 37825 Various Guests, Arr. Gascoigne Producer Roy Emerson, Engineer Mike Ross-Trevor Released Spring 1983 Recorded July 1981, May 1982 Trad: Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies 2.05 Dyer-Bennet/Byron: So we'll go no more a-roving 2.39 Trad. Hajra Kati 3.48 Trad. Queen of Hearts 3.52 Cardillo: Catari, catari 4.43 Trad. Petronella/St. Patrick's Day/Buacallan buidhe 3.18 Trad. Scarborough Fair 3.36 Trad. Carnaval 2.13 Lauro: Seis por derecho 2.16 Trad. Over the Sea to Skye 2.50 Trad. Mashilae 2.18 Gascoigne: Music Box Tune 1.34 Bovio: Tu ca'nun chiagne 2.55 Trad. Waly Waly/Shenandoah 6.30
发表于 2003-11-16 00:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
切利的DVD-VIDEO找到了!! Le Jardin De Celibidache (1997) Encoding: Region 1 Rated: Unrated Studio: Facets DVD Release Date: May 7, 2002 ASIN: B00005YF2L 这样的信息够了吧?
发表于 2003-11-16 00:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-16 01:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.dvd-power.ch/produktdetails.asp?PKey=2568 这也有个连接,不知是哪国的.
发表于 2003-11-16 01:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005YF2L/qid=1068913903/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-0338907-2853719?v=glance&s=dvd AMAZON的原连接.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-16 10:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
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