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发表于 2003-5-6 00:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、Guitarra Flamenca paso a paso (I)----dvd [upload=jpg]uploadImages/2003560522797828.jpg[/upload] 今天收到melbay的產品介紹,其中有我收集的三盒佛拉明哥錄影帶,我一直期待著melbay能推出dvd版,這可是世界潮流啊...今天終於推出了... Oscar Herrero 是著名的佛拉明哥演奏家和教育家,他的演奏非常出色,這在錄影帶里可以看的到,這套dvd的意境非常美,對不起,我用了意境這個詞,因為,在錄影里,演奏家坐在椅子上演奏,背景是黑暗的,只有一束光傾銷的照在他的身上...... melbay出版的這套影帶,是我最心愛的珍藏,這次,我又要訂dvd了~~ 附英文介紹: For the first time, here is a flamenco guitar video instruction series produced entirely in the heart of Spain. Intended for those who already have a command of basic classic guitar technique and want to learn the flamenco style, this series of instructional videos explains each technique methodically and thoroughly. In this first volume, Oscar Herrero offers insights on sitting and hand positions and reveals the secrets of thumb/index technique-the "picado", the "picado falseta", and the "golpe". He also demonstrates various "rasgueos" executed with and without the thumb and presents the "tango" and "soleas" rhythms. Booklet included with English and Spanish text and music in notation and tablature. The video offers tracks in four languages: Spanish, English, French, and Japanese. 演奏家資料: [upload=jpg]uploadImages/200356113983244.jpg[/upload] 介紹: Oscar Herrero has always been associated with the guitar. His interest in the Flamenco world placed him on important stages at a very early age, being a solo musician and a composer. He played in prestigious venues all over the world, such as the New York Metropolitan, Ottawa National Gallery, and the Teatro Real in Madrid, where he met some of th emost important names in the contemporary musical scene. Oscar has been awarded the most prestigious Spanish Flamenco awards: First National prize of Flamenco Guitar in Jerez de la Frontera and First prize "Borodón Minero" in Las Minas festival. Discography: "Torrente" (with the collaboration of Carmen Linares, Serranito, Sara Baras, and J. Barón); "Por Falla" (with Carlos Oramas's classical guitar); and "hechizo" (with Tino di Geraldo, Xosé Manuel Budiño, Guillermo McGill, and others). 二、Guitarra Flamenca paso a paso (II) [upload=jpg]uploadImages/20035614680213.jpg[/upload] 三、Guitarra Flamenca paso a paso (III) [upload=jpg]uploadImages/200356153313349.jpg[/upload] 三套,每張訂價為335元 melbay網站訂價:39.95美元 四、Victor Monge "Serranito" in Concert---dvd [upload=jpg]uploadImages/2003561101621045.jpg[/upload] 英文簡介:   Victor Monge "Serranito" One of the "three magnificent maestros" of the 20th Century flamenco guitar This Biography is taken from the book Victor Monge "Serranito" in Concert, © 2002 by Victor Monge "Serranito" Victor Monge "Serranito" is a legend in the history of Spanish music. His virtuoso technique along with supreme musicality confirms something well known in international music circles: today he is one of the greatest flamencos. His untiring work and innovative ideas to enrich flamenco music brought the admiration of the great maestro Andrés Segovia. He is one of the most conscientious composers, carefully balancing the foundation and form of his compositions, something which produces a remarkable perfection in his music. At each moment his interior richness is evident, and the emotional experience of human interaction with his environment and his own isolation is illustrated. Profound and transcendental, his live performances are filled with strength and brilliance, but also austerity: rhythmic silence, strength and harmony, classic cadences highlighted by his technique which grants each note a deeply Baroque colour. Victor Monge "Serranito", Spanish composer born in Madrid, self taught professional from early childhood is considered one of the most virtuosic Spanish guitarists of his era. He represents an example of precociousness, genius and prolific work in the history of the Spanish guitar. He received his first lessons in musical education at the age of eight. Gifted with a great capacity for performing flamenco, he began composing at the age of eleven. After accompanying the foremost figures of the style, he edited his first solo recording in 1963. At 21 he was introduced to the maestro Narciso Yepes and a coincidence became an influence: the three fingered scale. In 1969 he became an independent concert guitarist. In 1970 the maestro Andrés Segovia conferred an invitation via José Ramirez to hear him play. He gave him his written, signed approval. His first major recognition arrived in 1971 when he was awarded the Premio Nacional de Guitarra 'Ramón Montoya', in Córdoba and the Premio Nacional de Guitarra in Jerez de a Frontera, awarded by the Cátedra de Flamencología. Since 1970, he has toured the world many times. Outstanding concertist of his time and intensity he has passed into history as the first flamenco guitarist to take his art to India, presenting Spanish music on the most diverse stages of the world, such as Strasbourg on the occasion of Spain's entry into the European Parliament in 1978. In 1982 he gave the premiere of his work for guitar and orchestra in the Royal Theatre of Madrid with the Symphony Orchestra. He has composed music for film and the official music of Spain's pavilion at the Universal Expo in Brisbane, Australia in 1988. In 1993 he represented Spain in the Israel festival, Jerusalem, Damascus, Iran, Iraq and the Lebanon, and he gave a tour of Tunisia, Naples and Rome. In December of 1995 he performed with his group in Bosnia as part of the celebrations for the Dayton peace agreement marking the end of the Balkan war. In the same year, during his tour of Canada he is dubbed the Prince of Flamenco. In 1997 he toured Russia in celebration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and the Russian Federation. In 1996/1997 he had a world tour representing Spain in the International music festivals of Turkey, Bulgaria, Budapest, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Bucharest, Poland, as well as the guitar festivals of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy and Central America. He was awarded the Gold Prize for artistic merit by the Council of Madrid for his extensive career. In the same year he premiered his concerto "Echoes of the Guadalquivir" in Madrid, presenting it in Greece, Switzerland, Germany, South America and New York. In 1998/1999 he began composing his concerto My Sound And Time, premiered in the International Festival of Cordoba. Completed a tour of Europe and all countries of the East, Central America and Guitar Festivals. In 2000 he interpreted Joaquin Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez for the first time, in the International Music Festival of Galicia, with the Royal Galician Philharmonic, directed by Ernest Martinez Izquierdo. Following this he performed it in Central America with different symphonic orchestras of each country. Premieres his concerto "Two Worlds and a Guitar" in the Bienal of Seville directed by the maestro Narciso Yepes. On the occasion of Morocco Cultural 2000/2001 he toured throughout Morocco sponsored by the ministry of culture. With 18 recordings to his name, critics find in him a musician who aims his proposal at proportioning a wide dominance of the guitar, but taking compositional analysis as his starting point, a sense of harmony, the expedience of his left hand and delicacy of his right, norms which define a style which significantly enters the revolution operating in the guitar of the 20th Century. The most personal truth of this singular artist is the beauty and graciousness of spirit. Freedom and norm: therefore the difficult conciliation of the two creative tendencies of the guitar movement in order to show his contemporaries how to break the barriers of spatial narrowness. Between these two extremes arises, luminous, the life and work of "Serranito" one of the most decorated and honoured Spanish artists. Currently, he is working on his next recording which will be presented on world tour in 2003. Prizes Received: Premio Nacional de Guitarra (Córdoba) Cátedra de Flamencología de Jerez (Cádiz) Castillete de Ore de las Minas (La Unión) Honour al Mérito (Universidad de Costa Rica) Medal de Oro del Festival de Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) Placa de Oro de Estrasburgo, celebrating Spain's incorporation into the European Parliament Medal de Oro al Mérito Artístico, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Spain) Honorary Distinction in Honour of his artistic career, Teatro Nacional Rubén Dane (Nicaragua) 售價:335元。美元售價:39.95
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-6 21:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
Oscar Herrero 演奏的這套的影像下載: http://www.oscarherrero.com/html/i_didactica.htm 這里可以看到他的出色演奏
发表于 2003-5-7 12:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-7 13:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-5-8 12:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-8 21:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
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