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发表于 2005-5-9 22:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When my Bernabe Gran Concierto was stolen I replaced it with an Antonio Picado Concierto, cedar. My wife, first teacher and long-time friend, and current teacher all immediately said what a wonderful sound it has. My current teacher, who is very critical about guitars, said it is exceptional. So it is not just me that thinks it is excellent. Maybe I was lucky. Good balance and a warm sound across the range. 我也订了一把,届时再与大家分享感受。
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-12 23:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar -- Derek Post Reply Forum Posted by: luca 05/09/2005, 12:09:34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a Antonio Picado model Concerto, spruce top. I completely agree with John: it is a great guitar.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-12 23:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar Re: Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar -- luca Post Reply Forum Posted by: John T 05/09/2005, 18:04:04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bravo! Una descrizione bellissima. Non avevo spiegato bene che La Picado mi e piacuta molto piu della Bernabe, che e un nome piu riconosciuto. Quando mi hanno derubato ero triste perche amavo la mia Bernabe ma quando ho scoperto la Picado ero invece grato! Sono anche d'accordo che il rapporto qualita/prezzo e buono, sicuramente perche Picado in questo moment no e un luthier famoso. Derek, Luca says, in his wonderfully Italian way, that you must try one. He fell in love immediately having tried many others. Well made, powerful, full of colour and well balanced. Also price/quality realtionship hard to find elsewhere. However, it's got to please you, no-one else...if it conquers you you will be in love for ever. Good luck.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-12 23:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar Re: Re: Antonio Picado concert guitar -- Derek Post Reply Forum Posted by: Terry H 05/11/2005, 18:30:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derek, I agree with all that is said about the Picado Guitars, I had one for a while, and have tried a number of them. I chose the cheaper one, because I thought it sounded better. In that price range I think they are the best available. Regards Terry H
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