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发表于 2003-5-15 08:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
Xuefei Yang > > > > While studying at the Central > Conservatory of Music in Beijing, > Xuefei Yang caught the attention of > guitar master John Williams, who left > her his own Smallman guitar. Yang > became the first guitarist to receive > an international scholarship from the > Associated Board of the Royal Schools > of Music to study at the Royal > Academy, from which she has recently > graduated with the highest honours. > > Yang has been a prize winner at major > international competitions like the > San Francisco International Guitar > Competition and the Young Concert > Artist International competition. > Already an established artist in > guitar circles, her concerts have > taken her to Germany, France, United > States, Singapore, Japan and Hong > Kong, and in the UK she has performed > at the Wigmore Hall and with the BBC > Concert Orchestra at the Queen > Elizabeth Hall. In January 2003, she > gave a recital at the Purcell Room (as > part of the Park Lane Group''s New Year > Concert series), where she gave the > world premiere of a piece by Timothy > Salter, written especially for her. A > guitarist who combines strength and > grace, Yang has enraptured audiences > and critics with her virtuosity as > well as unique musical understanding. >
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-15 9:29:10编辑过]
发表于 2003-5-15 20:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
她在美國吉他圈的知名度是很高的,而且很多名人和大人物看過聽過她演奏的,都只有褒無貶。 不過關於她的資料不多,所以大家都對她很好奇。 主要看法都是她長得標緻,技巧厲害,動態特大,音樂不尋常的完全不帶人工,特別自然而且抓人,風格多樣,音樂成熟而有深度,在吉他家中並沒有類似的,是極罕有的真正天材。
发表于 2003-5-15 22:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
我喜欢的也是她的浑然天成。 她这几年确实有很大的进步,每次回来我们几乎都有见面,每次都会让我们觉得很惊讶。
发表于 2003-5-16 08:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
我今天刚刚收到杨雪霏的来信,她一切都很好,事业上有很大的发展。我想她目前取得的实际成果比参加比赛获得第一名要实在得多,很多国际级的大师也没有通过比赛获奖这条路,既然已经得到认可了,何必再和别人凑热闹参加比赛呢,说不定接下去还有人请她当评委呢。 她却是要在GSP出版一张唱片,而且里面有中国乐曲,可能是彝族舞曲等,同时还要将这些乐谱出版。 她目前还没有确定的回国演奏计划,我想我们大家可以努力找个时间请她回来。 最后,她让我向所有关心她的吉他爱好者们祝以最诚挚的问候。
发表于 2003-5-17 23:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
GSP是一家很好的公司,他們商譽很好,老闆是個不會說日語的日本人,在這兒很吃得開,他們什麼都好,就是東西稍為貴了點,但聽說他們對artist很不錯,不會少付,故成本也較高。 同類公司還有Oper Tres與GHA,GHA的口碑便不是太好,反正我是聽幾個Artist說老闆娘特別刻薄利害,Oper Tres現在好像不太活躍,很少新出品。
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