admin 发表于 2013-6-5 10:33:57


lishui151 发表于 2013-6-5 10:51:04


lishui151 发表于 2013-6-5 10:56:26

本帖最后由 lishui151 于 2013-6-5 10:58 编辑

徐州原子吉他艺术中心:中心自2004年成立以来,在不断提高教师队伍素质的同时,进一步加大教学硬件投入,为学生提供了舒适幽雅的学习环境和高档的教学用琴。并坚持以人为本的原则,根据学生的不同的条件与接受能力完全采取小课形式。在以古典吉他教学为核心的基础上,增加了民谣吉他,指弹吉他,电吉他,吉他手工制作与维修等课程。近年来我中心进一步加强与国内外吉他界的联系:连续两年观摩了‘维也纳国际吉他论坛’和‘维也纳国际吉他大赛’取得了一手资料。并与西班牙FRANCISCO BROS吉他制作公司,奥地利世界著名吉他制作家TOBIAS BRAUN先生,意大利DOGAL琴弦制作公司建立了长期合作关系。

admin 发表于 2013-6-5 11:23:39

哦, 这个我倒是不知道。最近Braun先生自己与我联系,那么应该说明现在国内没有其他代理了吧,我再落实一下。

admin 发表于 2013-6-5 15:18:03


Good morning Mr. Fang,

At first I want to introduce myself with a few words:
My name is Tobias Braun and I am a guitar maker living in Gaaden/ Austria.
I started building guitars 30 years ago and since then they found their ways throughout the world.

My Japanese dealer (we celebrate now our 20th anniversary of business
partnership) is Fret Gakki Ozaki (
In the USA they are distributed by Guitar Salon International and we started our collaboration 13 years ago.
Miles Roberts from Kent Guitar Classics is my dealer for the UK and Ireland for many years now.

I attanded several courses held by José L. Romanillos (1984, 1988, 1989,
1992) and was his assistant in the class of 1993. My work is based on his way of building guitars.

The classical models I am offering are the 1912 Manuel Ramírez, the 1924 Santos Hernández (ex Luise Walker), a 1926 Francisco Simplicio and a
1936 and 1937 Hermann Hauser. As a synthesis of the 1912 Ramírez and the Hernández I developed a model of my own, "TB2007".

I use Indian Rosewood, maple (regular and heat-treated), Satinwood and Ziricote for my guitars. Most orders are with a spruce top (regular and
bearclaw) but I make Canadian Red Cedar tops as well.

If you want to read mor about my work you can find it under

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards from Austria,

Tobias Braun

spanar 发表于 2013-6-5 15:27:57

lishui151 发表于 2013-6-5 10:51 static/image/common/back.gif
呵呵!应该感谢“spanar”元老,是他带给我们信息。因为很快就会拥有布劳恩大师的琴,所以比较关注,之前曾 ...


admin 发表于 2013-6-5 16:34:08

spanar 发表于 2013-6-5 15:27 static/image/common/back.gif


admin 发表于 2013-6-5 17:09:17

即将动工的两把吉他,一把是TB2007,另一把是仿自塞戈维亚那把著名的1912 Manuel Ramirez吉他。这两款都是Tobias推荐的。

liefchen 发表于 2013-6-5 19:34:10


admin 发表于 2013-6-5 22:39:41

liefchen 发表于 2013-6-5 19:34 static/image/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 来自维也纳森林的天籁琴音,布劳恩吉他